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The Trust Equation: Building Stronger Relationships at Work

Trust. It’s the invisible glue that binds teams together, fuels innovation, and drives business success. Without it, even the most talented group can crumble like a house of cards. But what exactly is trust, and how do we build it? Let’s dive into the Trust Equation.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Trust is earned, not given.” It’s absolutely true. But how do we earn it? According to David Maister’s Trust Equation, trust is actually a mathematical formula! Seriously? Yup and here it is:

Trustworthiness = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy / Self-Orientation

Let’s break down each component:

  • Credibility: This is about your expertise, knowledge, and your ability to articulate it. It’s about walking the talk and demonstrating your competence. Think of a seasoned surgeon – their credibility is built on years of training and successful operations. To boost your credibility, focus on continuous learning, seek out opportunities to showcase your expertise and always broaden and deepen your SME.
  • Reliability: This is about consistency and dependability. It’s about showing up when you say you will, following through on commitments, and being someone others can count on. Imagine relying on an alarm clock to wake you up every morning. If it’s consistently reliable, you trust it implicitly. To improve reliability, set realistic goals, communicate openly about potential challenges, and follow up on your promises.
  • Intimacy: This might sound surprising in a professional context, but it’s about emotional connection and vulnerability. It’s about building rapport, understanding others, and creating a safe space for open communication. Think about a close friendship built on mutual understanding, empathy, and shared experiences. To increase intimacy at work, practise active listening, show genuine interest in your colleagues, and be open to sharing your thoughts and feelings. Within set boundaries, of course.
  • Self-Orientation: This is the wildcard. It’s about putting others’ needs before your own. It’s about balancing the ‘me’ and ‘we’ while genuinely caring about the success of your team. A great leader exemplifies self-orientation by empowering their team, offering support, and celebrating collective wins. To reduce self-orientation, seek feedback, delegate tasks, and focus on building others up.

The more you invest in credibility, reliability, and intimacy, and the more balanced self-orientation you have, the higher your trustworthiness score.

So, how can you apply this equation to build stronger relationships at work? Here are a few tips:

  1. Be authentic: People can sense inauthenticity from a mile away. Be genuine in your interactions, and let your true self shine through.
  2. Overdeliver: Consistently exceed expectations. This builds credibility and reliability.
  3. Listen actively: Show genuine interest in what others have to say. This allows for intimacy and trust to foster.
  4. Be vulnerable: Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It creates a sense of connection.
  5. Focus on others: Put your team’s goals first. This demonstrates selflessness and builds trust.

Building trust takes time and effort. It requires consistent and continuous attention and a genuine commitment to cultivating strong relationships. Remember, trust is a two-way street. It’s essential to be trustworthy yourself, but it’s also important to choose to trust others. By understanding the Trust Equation and implementing these strategies, you can create a more positive, productive, and fulfilling work environment for yourself and your team.

Overcoming trust issues can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. If trust has been broken, it’s essential to address the issue directly and openly. Apologise if necessary, take responsibility for your actions, and demonstrate your commitment to rebuilding trust through your behaviour.

Leaders play a crucial role in creating a culture of trust. By modelling trust in their actions, communicating openly and honestly, and empowering their team members, leaders can create an environment where trust thrives.

So, are you ready to level up your trust game? Start by assessing where you stand in the Trust Equation. What areas do you excel in? Where can you improve? Take small steps every day to build stronger relationships and watch your trust factor soar.

What are your thoughts on the Trust Equation? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below.

For clarity, get in touch with us about our trust building workshops, EQ workshops for leaders and leadership skills workshops in Singapore.