Avoid Death

How to Avoid Death by Q&A

How to Avoid Death by Q&A You prepared well for your presentation. You spent hours structuring content and getting your slides designed. You practiced on your own, and with a critic.  On the day, your delivery was spot on. Your audience smiled, nodded, made affirmative noises, and even clapped at…
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Stylish presenters get more ‘YES’?

Stylish presenters get more ‘YES’?

Stylish presenters get more ‘YES’? Think of a time when you saw someone making a presentation and made you feel, “Wow, I wish I could present like that!” It can be a colleague, a vendor, a client, or maybe even the future president of the United States! What do any…
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Slides Visualisation

WOW Slides Visualisation

WOW Slides Visualisation With big environmental changes coming in the next 10 years, influencing people in organisations to adapt to change will become one of the most in-demand skills for future leaders. When you think about the word ‘influence’, it’s a broad verb. Influence can be done through asserting authority,…
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Pitch to win

Structure Your Pitch to get a YES

Structure Your Pitch to get a YES So, you want to become a better presenter. What is a ‘better presenter’? To different people, it can mean different things. It can be about having a solid logical structure, or visualizing slides to wow your audience… or maybe you want to appear…
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Aligning Purpose for Growth and Wellbeing

Aligning Purpose for Growth and Wellbeing You may have heard the word ‘Ikigai’. If you haven’t, it’s a Japanese term similar to ‘purpose and being’. Think of it as answering the question: “What is the reason for my life?” As our work and life become more integrated, more of us…
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