Will this workshop teach me how to produce an online event?

This workshop will show you what a producer does to ensure a smooth experience of an online training, the training being the event in this case. It will also showcase the importance of having a producer to ensure the best online experience for attendees. From this workshop, you will learn…
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What kind of online events will this workshop cover?

In the context of this workshop, “event” refers to any occasion where people gather. Work examples include meetings, panel discussions, a product demo, a conference, or networking sessions. An online event could also refer to social gatherings such as a pub quiz, birthday party or family reunion. The purpose is…
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Are you saying we dont trust each other?

We are saying that trust is integral in relationship building. In a team , especailly under presure, trust needd strengtening for us to be functioning well. This module helps to to build trust in a respectful and give members a way to talk about it positively
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