Think on Your Feet®
Learn the art of clear communication and be remembered with Think on Your Feet®. The workshop focuses on your day-to-day informal conversations and equips you with essential skills to analyse, organise and present your ideas with Clarity, Brevity, Impact®.
Have you ever been stumped by a question during a meeting? Have you attempted to answer your client’s queries but their body language showed they’re not convinced? These are high-stake conversations that can cause anxiety and minimise clarity in speech. When 95% of workplace communication is spontaneous, it’s extremely important to know how to get your point across and make an impact.
As the foundation of all other skills, mastering the ability to share your ideas, opinions and thoughts can build confidence, prominence and trust within the workplace. With influence in over 30 countries and 12 languages, Think on Your Feet® is the only workshop that trains you to grasp impromptu communication techniques and respond FAST!
Think on Your Feet® training will teach you to:
∗ Manage difficult conversations by organising your ideas and presenting them clearly
∗ Handle conflicts with the best communication strategies
∗ Persuade with engaging conversational skills that increase your influence
∗ Build trust in the workplace by communicating clearly for effective collaboration
Who Is Think on Your Feet® For?
Think on Your Feet® workshop is for professionals and leaders who want to:
→ Develop leadership skills, communicate clearly, and positively influence their team
→ Improve their impromptu conversational skills when put on the spot
→ Make an impact and be remembered when speaking with others
Key Takeaways of Think on Your Feet®
Most of our everyday conversations are impromptu with minimal time for planning. When caught in these circumstances, we are expected to structure our ideas, make a clear point and be remembered in just mere seconds.
Think on Your Feet® training teaches you better conversational skills to get your ideas across even in situations that catch you off-guard.
Think on Your Feet® rethinks the communication delivery process to prepare you for extreme pressure conversations.
Learn to structure information simply, assert your argument by guiding the listener’s response, and make an impression using engaging storytelling techniques.
By the end of the communication workshop, you will be able to influence others through effective speaking.
Understanding the theories of effective communication is the first step, but putting it into practice and mastering it is a whole other ball game.
Think on Your Feet® prepares you for all types of informal conversations so you can identify useful communication structures for every unique situation you find yourself in.
How You Will Benefit From Think on Your Feet®
1. Handle fear of sharing opinions in public with more confidence
2. Respond to difficult questions clearly and effectively
3. Assert and persuade others with clear ideas
4. Deliver sensitive information appropriately during conflicts
5. Stay in control of a conversation
7. Speed up exchange of ideas and information with straight-forward points
8. Improve your professional relationship with clients, managers and colleagues
Think on Your Feet® Workshop Methodology
Concepts and example sharing | Small group activities, application and debrief | Application to individual work situations with facilitator feedback & review |
Course Duration & Delivery
Duration: 2-Day Workshop
Delivery Methods for Think on Your Feet® course in Singapore:
• Face-to-face group sessions
• One-on-one training
• Online Workshop (also available to organisations worldwide)
Think on Your Feet® Course Outline
Getting to the Point – Learn methods that help you organise your ideas into bite-sized chunks. Recognise various informal communication situations and adapt accordingly.
Presenting Your Ideas – Apply techniques to arrange your ideas into a clear, collective format. Make a good impression by pacing yourself, improving listening skills and structuring your ideas for quick replies.
When You’re Caught Off Guard – Learn techniques that prepare you for challenging and crucial conversations. Create a clear line of thought from complex ideas and communicate them through a systematic process.
Handling Questions Quickly & Clearly – Learn to use the “Rule of Three’s” to structure intricate thoughts logically. We’ll also coach you to solve conflicts and arguments skillfully.
Using Visual Pegs as Your Structure – Visual analogies help to simplify complicated subjects. Think on Your Feet® training will teach you to craft an engaging message and be remembered.
Divide Information in Aspects or Perspectives – Understand how to approach disagreements objectively. Learn to exercise consideration, build emotional quotient and impartiality when reasoning with others.
Bridging from Question to Answer – Earn time and respect to answer questions correctly. Learn how to manage challenging questions with precision and influence by improving listening skills and addressing the important points.
Expanding Your Listener’s Perspective – Learn how to approach tricky topics with sensitivity and avoid generalisation by equipping yourself with better conversational skills when handling conflicts.
Moving Two Opposing Viewpoints to a Middle Ground – Achieve a win-win situation by managing arguments with skill and empathy. Develop leadership skills by increasing emotional intelligence and harnessing the positives in a conflict.
Selling the Benefits of Your Ideas – Improve persuasion skills by illustrating the benefits of your ideas, not the features. You will learn the “So What?” technique to turn your argument into results.
Illustrating Your Ideas – Learn how to use metaphors and examples to bring your point across clearly. We’ll teach you to build and present your ideas using opposites & cause and effect techniques.
Brain Scan Grid – Build understanding & empathy for your listener by targeting their core concerns.
Putting it All Together – Put the Think On Your Feet® concepts into practice through facilitated high-pressure drills.

Frequently Asked Questions!
- How is Think on Your Feet® different from presentation skills?Think on Your Feet® is for 90% of the communication we have at work - impromptu and in the moment. The thinking process to speak with structure with little or no preparation time is different from when making a presentation.
- Who is the ideal target participant for this programme?Anyone! We have worked with C-level participants to individual contributors. In some organisations, it's a perfect fit for technical professionals to help them articulate technical information and be understood. It's a critical skill for leaders as they progress in the organisation. If you need teams to speak in the moment with Clarity, Brevity and Impact, then they need Think on Your Feet® skills.
- When is Think on Your Feet® not suitable?When there is no opportunity to put the skills into practice post-programme. Or when the culture of the organisation isn't suited for team members sharing their points of view.