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Not Just A Boss: Achieve Success With Strong Employee Relationships

Not Just A Boss: Achieve Success With Strong Employee Relationships The once mundane corporate routine, relationships and lifestyles that employers and employees stuck to for decades had been shaken up overnight by the pandemic. Suddenly, worker-employer relationships were strained from remote working and businesses were scrutinised for the support they…
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pitch ideas

A Superpower: Mastering the Art of Persuasion

A Superpower: Mastering the Art of Persuasion It is the 21st century, an age where ideas matter more than ever. One may call the idea the seed that when nurtured and properly cared for, evolves into a beautiful plant. We could even say that ideas are the currency of the…
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Lead by Listening

Facing an Unhappy Team? Lead by Listening

Facing an Unhappy Team? Lead by Listening When we talk about the qualities of a leader, we often refer to managerial, planning, and oratory skills. While these abilities are indispensable, we often forget the secret magic ingredient — listening. Leaders are constantly engaging with their team and when clear communication…
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