Are your employees skilled enough to be future-ready

Are your employees skilled enough to be future-ready?

Are your employees skilled enough to be future-ready? The Fourth Industrial Revolution is already here and increasingly, we are seeing automation in the way we work and live, where tasks that are repetitive or predictable are being done by the machines.  Is this a revolutionary new thing that is happening?…
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6 Questions to Help You Prepare for a Difficult Conversation

6 Questions to Help You Prepare for a Difficult Conversation. Have you ever been stressed out just thinking about a difficult conversation you need to have? I know I have. And if we are already stressed before having the conversation, imagine how much more stress we’ll feel during the conversation.…
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optimal performance, a step at a time.

Getting your employees to optimal performance, a step at a time.

Getting your employees to optimal performance, a step at a time.Since Covid-19 arrived more than a year ago, we have heard many work-from-home employees reporting stress and feeling less productive because of the stress. What is causing all the stress? There are multiple factors reported: home environment, increased workload, reduced…
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